I promise I will be back "baby on board" soon....
Welcome to babybabybabyoh Blog- for mustard coloured mirth
Saturday, January 29, 2011
sorry! baby on board...
I promise I will be back "baby on board" soon....
Monday, January 17, 2011
Fab In 15 Minutes - Lose Weight In Just 15 Minutes A Day!
Lose weight in just 15 minutes a day!
5 Things you “know” about fat loss (...or do you?)Myth No.1 – Long (and boring) cardio is the best way to burn fatYou’ve heard this so many times before – that running or spin classes are the best way to burn fat; but anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about can tell you that long cardio sessions increase cortisol levels (a hormone) and your body starts to burn muscle rather than fat (it’ll actually start holding on to fat at this point!).Interval training and weight training are actually the best ways to increase your metabolism and burn more calories.So no long cardio sessions!Myth No.2 – Exercising in the morning before breakfast burns more caloriesRUBBISH! In the morning your body is craving nutrition after a long night of fasting (break the fast!). Exercising when your body is depleted of nutrients and probably dehydrated is dangerous for one, but also how hard will you/your muscles be able to work without fuel?Exercising in the morning IS a good idea – purely because you won’t have all day to think of “reasons” (excuses) not to do your workout. But it should NEVER be on an empty stomach.There is actually no evidence to prove that exercising in the morning burns more calories, and with health in mind, don’t do it on an empty stomach!Myth No.3 – Following a programme that works the area’s you want to lose fat from will actually workThis is a HUGE one that many people just can’t seem to get their heads around! Contrary to popular belief, you can’t get a flat stomach by doing hundreds of sit-ups every day.Weight loss works on a microscopic level. Your muscles burn calories for fuel so the more muscles you work, and the harder you work them, the more calories you will burn. And because it works on a microscopic level, the fat you’re burning will be being broken down across your entire body, regardless of what muscle you’re working at the time.Myth No.4 – High reps with small weights will burn more fat and “tone”Another big one that people struggle with (probably because it’s been drilled into us by magazines and word of mouth for so long).As I said above, it’s the muscles that burn the calories – so the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn.You need to work your muscles as hard as you can for them to grow bigger and stronger - and this won’t make you “bulky” unless you’re following a strict, intense bodybuilding plan and eating like a horse! EVERYONE should be aiming to build muscle.Myth No.5 – You can’t build muscle and burn fat at the same timePut simply, YES YOU CAN! Muscle doesn’t turn to fat, and fat doesn’t turn to muscle. All the while you’re working your muscles to strengthen and build them, you’re burning calories, which are coming (if you use the workouts in this book) from fat stores.You will be gaining muscle and burning fat the whole time. If you want to right the wrongs you’ve done in the past and finally start to see some results then I strongly urge you to consider Fab In 15 Minutes.Fab In 15 Minutes will give you twenty 15-minute workout routines specifically designed to burn calories, whilst improving your cardio and fitness levels.They can all be done in the comfort of your own home, and you don’t need ANY equipment for some of them, and a few inexpensive bits of kit for the rest (dumbbells, Swiss ball, a Kettlebell if you’ve used them before).Who has time to drive to the gym, have a workout for an hour+, and then drive home again?! That’s nearly 2 hours out of your busy day by the time you’re done and back to daily life!These workouts have been designed to be as efficient as is possible. You can do the workouts from start to finish in 15 minutes flat and you’re already back at home!

Fab In 15 Minutes
I know you’ve all seen the adverts for programmes claiming you can lose weight in just 5 minutes a day (or less), but realistically, do you know of anyone who has managed to lose weight like this?As a trainer, I know the science behind weight loss, and increasing your activity by just 5 minutes per day will have very little, if any, effect on your body shape and weight – at least not without a strict diet alongside it, and even then, without proper exercise to work and tone your muscles this will be doomed to failure and rapid weight re-gain once you’ve finished the diet (sound familiar?).Achieve the body you deserveI have however come up with a way of achieving weight loss with just 15 minutes exercise per day. And if you can commit to a healthy diet to compliment this, then you will be well on your way to seeing the body you deserve.You see, although 5 minutes will do little more than warm you up, a 15 minute workout, designed specifically to give you maximum effect for calorie burning and improved levels of fitness, will serve to not only get you fitter and stronger, but will also increase your metabolic rate for the next 24 hours or so. Meaning you will be burning more calories for the rest of the day, even when you’ve finished exercising.This is done by combining resistance work with cardiovascular work.Enter your details below to download a FREE workout from the book
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Baby Essentials Pink Dots Ribbon Baby Girl Diaper Bag / Cooler

Coach Signature Khaki 24CM Addison Laptop Business Bag 15072

Price: $598.00
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Luxe Bidet MB110 Fresh Water Spray Non-Electric Mechanical Bidet Toilet Seat Attachment

Price: $109.95
Wie Babys schlafen und worauf man achten muss !
5 wertvolle Tipps wie Ihr Baby einschlaeft! Einschlafassoziationen! Vertrautes Umfeld schaffen! Einführung und sofortige Umsetzung der erfolgreichen Ferber-Einschlaf-Methode! Das ABC des Stillens! Feng-Shui- Einrichtung im Kinderzimmer
Check it out!
Friday, January 14, 2011
NY Lottery Holiday Games
More Information from New York Lottery
NYC Tennis Courts
East River Park Tennis Courts, FDR Drive and Broome St., (212) 387-6768
12 hard courts.
Public Indoor Courts
Village Tennis Courts, 110 University Place, (212) 989-2300
3 hard courts.
Private Clubs
Wall Street Racquet Club, South St. at Piers 13 and 14, (212) 422-9300
8 clay courts.
Midtown Tennis Club, 341 8th Ave. at 27th St., (212) 989-8572
8 Har-Tru courts.
NYU Coles Sports Center, 181 Mercer St., (212) 998-2020
6 clay courts.
PS 137, 327 Cherry St. at Clinton St.
5 hard courts.
Uptown NYC Tennis Court Directory
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Spice Market Restaurant

The seating is low and casual, great for groups. Groups will also love that all of the dishes are served family-style so they're perfect for sharing.
The menu includes a wide selection of dishes based on Southeast Asian street foods. The highlights of the appetizer menu include spiced chicken samosas with cilantro yogurt, Vietnamese spring rolls, and a crunchy squid salad with ginger, papaya, and cashews.
You may want to stick with the appetizers and skip the entrees. The chicken with kumquat-lemon dressing was uninspiring and the cod with Malaysian chili sauce was a disappointment.
Luckily, the desserts ended the meal on a delicious note. The Ovaltine kulfi with caramelized bananas and spiced chocolate sauce was truly tasty. The passion fruit sorbet was surprisingly flavorful, especially when paired with the accompanying ginger cookies.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Stop Sugar Cravings And Lose Weight Naturally.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know how to eat better. You just eat as many veggies as you can. You eat fruit instead of high-calorie desserts. You include whole grains in your diet instead of white bread and pasta. You cut back on the meat and eat more beans. And you stop eating sugar. That shouldn’t be hard…
But millions of us still struggle to eat right, and often fail – especially those of us who have a sweet tooth.
Look at Oprah – a really smart woman who needs a personal trainer and a full-time chef in order to eat right. And she still struggles with her weight. No wonder it’s almost impossible for the rest of us, who have to do it on our own.
That’s why I was so excited a few years ago when I stumbled upon an easy way to keep my commitment to healthy eating, by taking control of the sugar cravings that had always sabotaged my diets in the past.
If you’ve ever tried to cut back on the calories, you know that old habits are hard to break - especially when it comes to food.

Millions of people in the United States are overweight or obese, and almost every one of them would gladly lose weight if they could.
And almost every one of them knows the “secrets” to losing weight (eat more veggies, etc…), but they keep eating the wrong foods, anyway.
We’re torn – we want to lose weight, get healthy, and live longer. But we also want to eat the foods that are familiar, and especially the foods that make us feel good (at least temporarily), even though we know those foods will make us fat.
Several years ago I discovered a way to win the battle to lose weight and eat a healthy diet. And it has nothing to do with finding the “magic diet,” and I didn’t start taking herbal supplements or diet pills.
I learned how to “think thin.” And you can do it, too, if you follow the same steps I did, which I show you in my book.
The program I created for myself allowed me to permanently lose the extra weight I’d been carrying around for years. Since then it has helped hundreds of people take control of their food cravings.
I created the program after I learned some startling truths about how addictions affect the way we think.
Until then, I had no idea that sugar and fat are addictive substances, so I couldn’t understand why it was so hard to give them up.
For many years I struggled with my weight. Even when I was reasonably thin (which didn’t happen very often), I wasn’t eating the healthy diet that I knew I should. Even when I really wanted to stay away from the ice cream and candy, I would be drawn back to them, completely against my will. I would even stay up late at night baking cinnamon rolls, and then eat the entire pan before going to bed…
I was hooked on sugar and fat, (yes, literally addicted to the stuff), and I didn’t know how to stop.
When I took a college course on the psychology and physiology of addictions, it struck me that my own struggles against sugar and fat were the same as a smoker’s struggle to give up tobacco – one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. And the same as an alcoholic’s struggle to give up the booze, and a heroin addict’s struggle to go clean.
Since then, I found out that scientists had already discovered what I suspected – sugar and fat are addictive substances that act a lot like a mild dose of heroin when they hit our blood streams.
That’s why we feel good (temporarily) when we eat snacks and foods with lots of sugar and fat, and why we feel bad (temporarily), when we don’t eat them.
Like cigarettes, the unhealthy foods that make you fat are always available, and completely legal. Smokers who are trying to quit are surrounded by people who are still smoking.
Like the smoker, you’re surrounded by people who keep bringing donuts to work. You watch other family members eating dessert after every meal, and snacks in front of the TV every night. Family get-togethers always include huge meals, including home-made pies and cakes – and all guests are expected to dig in and overeat, even though almost all of you are trying to lose weight.
An alcoholic who is determined to turn his life around has to walk past tall racks of beer and wine to get to the dairy case in the local supermarket.
Like the alcoholic, you try to avert your eyes as you walk past the cookie aisle, and try to avoid looking at the shelves filled with those boxes of macaroni and cheese, and the white bread, and the chips… The fattening snacks are piled up everywhere you look, and they even have an extra bin of candy and chips, and a cooler filled with sugary soft drinks, right next to the cash register to temp you while you wait in line.
The alcoholic who promises to give up the booze has to drive past the bar where he’s spent many enjoyable hours, chatting with his friends and tipping back a few beers. He remembers those old times, and misses them.
Like the alcoholic, you have to drive past the fast-food joint on the way home from work. You remember the great meals you shared with friends and family, eating anything you wanted to. You miss the days when you let yourself eat like everybody else.
So how do people give up smoking and booze? The same way people give up sugar and fat (yes, they are truly addictive – scientists have proven it).
1. People who give up their drugs do it by first recognizing the problem (addiction to nicotine, alcohol, or sugar).
2. They acknowledge that the addiction can be overcome, but only if they work at it.
3. When their addiction causes them to desire the cigarette, or the beer, or the doughnut, they consciously choose to say “no.” In other words, when the thought comes into their mind, they notice it, and then choose to think something else. If you don’t learn how to do this, the addiction will take over again.
In my e-book, Weight Loss: How to Keep Your Commitment, you learn why it is so easy for us to become addicted to sugar and fat.You learn how the instinctive desire to eat healthy fruits and veggies actually turns into an addiction whenever people have access to highly processed sugars and refined flour. That’s why people start getting fat in every country that adopts a “western” diet.You learn about the withdrawal symptoms to expect when you give up sugar, and how your mind will try to “talk you into” eating sugar, even when you’re trying to give it up. (Alcoholics Anonymous calls this “stinking thinking.”)Most importantly, you’ll learn some easy meditation techniques that give you power over you cravings for sugar and fat, so “stinking thinking” won’t control you any more.Do food cravings and the compulsive desire for fattening, unhealthy foods prevent you from losing weight? Has your doctor told you to cut back on the calories and fat in order to improve your health – but you just can’t do it?
Have you been successful in almost every other area of your life, but just can’t stay on a healthy diet and lose weight, no matter how hard you try?
You may think you have a compulsive eating disorder, because you just can’t stick with the program – no matter what program you try.// Or maybe you think it’s your mom’s fault, or some trauma or stress you experienced in your past that makes you seek out “comfort food” whenever you feel blue or anxious – and if you just talk about it long enough, and really get to the bottom of your feelings, you’ll be able to eat right. You just aren’t sure how many more years that will take….
// Or maybe you think it’s just in your genes, and you have to resign yourself to being overweight, like most of the people in your family.
Now you can stop blaming yourself (or your mom) and take control of your diet – just like the hundreds of other people who have read my book and followed the program. You can read just a few of the emails I’ve received from my readers at the bottom of this page.
You won’t stop wanting to eat sugar and other fattening food – that will never go away.
But you can stop caving in to the cravings, so you can start eating the way you know you should.
Once you take control of the cravings, you won’t have to “diet.” You’ll be able to eat a healthy, nutritious meal, three times a day, and enjoy the extra energy you get when you actually eat those veggies.
Your vitality will come back, you’ll gradually lose weight, and you’ll find yourself enjoying life more than you have in years.
You can learn how I did it (and how hundreds of other people, just like you, have done it) when you read my book.
Remember – looking better isn’t all you gain from a healthier diet. When you give up the excess fat and high-sugar snacks, and eat a diet filled with delicious veggies, fruits and whole grains…
Your chronic blood sugar level goes down, reducing the risk of heart disease and some kinds of cancer,// Your clothes fit better, and you soon have an excuse to go buy some new ones to show off your new, healthy body.
// You sleep better, and your mind is sharper.
// You may even have fewer mood swings.
// You begin to lose weight gradually, without feeling deprived or picked on. You discover that you really can keep your commitment to your health.
Here’s just some of the things you’ll be able to do with the skills you learn from Weight Loss: How to Keep Your Commitment:
You’ll easily say “no thanks” to fattening food, without having to struggle with your cravings.// You’ll eat nutritious food without feeling deprived, and without obsessing about the fattening food you chose not to eat.
// You’ll receive the compliments of family and coworkers, who will wonder what “secret” diet you’re on. (When you tell them what you’ve learned, they won’t believe you.)
// You’ll cart your old “fat clothes” to the Goodwill Store. You won’t bother hiding them in the back of the closet, “just in case you need them again.” You know you won’t.
// You’ll feel better about yourself, because you can look in the mirror and know you’re achieving your goals, against all the odds.
// You’ll discover that you have more creativity and mental energy, now that you aren’t constantly fighting a losing battle with your cravings.
// You may even be able to teach my simple techniques to your coworkers and family, so they, too, can become thinner, happier, and healthier.
My book Weight Loss: How to Keep Your Commitment teaches you the specific mental skills you need in order to rise above your addictive cravings for sugar and fat. You will learn exactly what it takes to stay conscious and committed to any nutritious eating plan you choose.
Order your copy today, from Amazon.com
I wish you the best of health,
A few notes I’ve received from my readers since the book was published:
“I have become the inspiration of all my co-workers…”
Comments from Sue in SacramentoHi Jonni,
When I purchased your book you mentioned that you like to hear from your customers about their results, etc. I just wanted to let you know that I have become the inspiration of all my co-workers who are interested in losing weight and many other friends, acquaintances, etc.I just want to say… THANK YOU THANK YOU AND THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for writing a phenomenol book and keeping it affordable enough for the average person to purchase it!
“My whole family is eating better…”
Comments from Susan:Hi Jonni – Thanks for your support. I feel great with out the whit sugar and white flour. I enjoyed your book… I guess it has been about a month and I have lost 10 lbs and my whole family is eating better.
“Made me feel like I was reading a letter from a friend…”
Comments from Linda:I enjoyed reading your book as it was written in a manner that made me feel like I was reading a letter from a friend. You made many valid points and I do agree that we need to be responsible for the choices we make. I found your method of thinking about our thoughts quite interesting.
I read your book through all in one sitting and so hope to be able to read it slower next time.
“Offers a fresh avenue of hope…
Comments from Kay:This more positive approach which looks more closely at the reasons we eat offers a fresh avenue of hope because you offer definite ways to re-think and cope.
..the book is wonderful because the approach is so much more than just the food.
“What I always thought of as a personal failing …”
Comments from Jessie:Jonni, I wanted to write and let you know that I really learned a lot from your book. You really made me see that what I always thought of as a personal failing was really just my own natural human nature, trying to live in a world that doesn’t exist any more. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and an ongoing interest in general science, and your points seem valid and well-researched to me.
Sign Language For Babies And Beyond!
Learn How To Communicate With Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Speak Using American Sign Language! Includes Video Of 250 Signs!
Check it out!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
New Baby Calming System
Introducing the New Amazing Baby Calming system that Dramatically increases your ability to calm your fussy baby!
Check it out!
NYC Apartment Rental Checklist
Don’t let an aggressive real estate agent convince you to commit before you’ve done your research. Remember, you’ll be spending a lot of time in this apartment -- not to mention shelling out well over a third of your salary on the rent.
This apartment inspection checklist will help guide you as you evaluate apartments and decide on your new home.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Celebrity Dance Instruction - Hot Conversion Mastered Pages, 8 Dvd Set.
Don't worry, even I use to suck at dancing, until I had some inspiration to actually learn the steps. The truth is, it LOOKS hard, but it's actually quite easy once we get those basics out of the way. This course was designed to teach you both the basics and some intermediate-advanced ballroom steps to turn YOU into a dance floor machine in no time! I've enjoyed teaching dance for many years now, from celebrities to small sized pro classes, they all have the same reaction to my course:
The bonus audio I'm giving you today was custom made for this collection, and comes with every single order free of charge! These are in .mp3 format, you can burn them to CD to practice anywhere. The more you practice (though it's like riding a bike, once you got it, you don't forget), the more you will experience all of the reactions listed above. Yes, it's true - you can lose weight, put a spark back into your romance, gain confidence, stay healthy and be an overall happier person with the great power of dancing!
To take advantage of today's special launch combo offers, please choose your favorite package below. If you're not sure which one to pick, grab them all and become a ballroom pro at any dance or function you ever attend!
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Simply Mother and Baby Superpack
Become a new mum in style with the mother and baby superpack. Everything that you need prior to becoming a new mum plus much more. From planning baby showers right through to the terrible two's. Affiliates Earn 60% visit: http://tinyurl.com/339xkly
Check it out!
Organic Baby - Caring for Baby the Chemical Free Way
Practical, Definitive Guide Uncovers All You Need to Know about the Use of Harmful Toxic Chemicals in Baby Products. A Must read for All Parents to Discover How to Keep Baby Healthy, Safe and Chemical Free.
Check it out!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Valentine's Day For Singles
We will be adding more 2010 Valentine's Day events as they are announced.
NYC Celebrity Gossip
Which celebs are hooking up and which are breaking up? Who has accidentally-on-purpose leaked a celebrity sex tape? Who's had bad plastic surgery and who's coming out of the closet? And what exactly are those Olsen twins up to now?
New York has plenty of celebrity web sites and gossip columns to keep us up-to-date on the dirt. Read on for all that you've ever wanted to know (and more) about the New York City gossip scene.
Page Six
Page Six is the big kahuna of New York gossip. The New York Post's Richard Johnson and his team of intrepid gossip-mongers keep New Yorkers up-to-date on Lizzie Grubman, Paris Hilton, models behaving badly, and much more. The Post also has Liz Smith and Cindy Adams if you want publicist-approved old-school gossip. And you can check out celebrity photos to see who's looking good and who's a fashion disaster.
New York Daily News Daily Dish
Rush & Molloy and Gatecrasher Ben Widdicombe do their best to give their Page Six rivals a run for the money. They've got behind-the-scenes party scoop, blind items, and plenty of celebrity sightings.
Gawker is your source for Manhattan media news and gossip. It's gossip with a deliciously evil sense of humor. Warning: Gawker may be addictive. The Gawker Stalker section features celebrity sightings sent in by readers.
La Dolce Musto
The Village Voice's Michael Musto is NYC gossip royalty. His long-standing column is a perennial source of New York dish. And his regular blind-item features are always deliciously intriguing.
Overheard in New York
Who says celebrities are the only New Yorkers worth eavesdropping on? Overheard in New York features hilarious snippets of conversations overheard in the streets of NYC. Listen in on the hilarious and hilariously stupid as they share their personal opinions on mustaches, laxatives, Michael Stipe's large cranium, and other fun topics.
Do you have a favorite gossip site you'd like to share with your fellow New Yorkers? Drop me a line at manhattan.guide@about.com.