Even if you've tried everything under the sun to lose weight and keep it off, you're about to discover an easier, more reliable and more effective solution to sustained weight loss...

Dear Friend,
It's true. Over 95% of people who manage to lose weight gain it all back, and most even end up gaining more than they started with. There's something seriously wrong here, and yet no one is talking about it. Here's the silver lining: there is something out there that does work the way it's supposed to.
Today people are reaching their weight loss goals without having to eat like a bird, without going on fad diets, without counting calories and carbs, without pills, and without missing out on the finer things in life, like the full passionate enjoyment of a wonderful gourmet meal.
Unfortunately only a small number of fortunate people are taking full advantage of this miraculous method for losing weight and, most importantly, keeping it off.
They are doing it with hypnosis.
I'm Valerie Dawson and as a Certified Hypnotherapist I know first hand that hypnosis works. When you tap into the subconscious mind, where all of our habits reside, you can work wonders with the roots of problems such as overeating, unhealthy food choices and a sedentary lifestyle - all causes of weight gain.
When you're hypnotized we'll erase your bad habits and replace them with positive ones, so that you can eat healthy, exercise and keep your ideal weight because you have an inner desire to do it, not because of any other outside influence.
Well as a matter of fact, there is. Just imagine how all those Big Diet companies would feel if their lackluster weight loss methods were exposed for being second-best?imagine if everyone who wanted to lose weight did it with hypnosis, and never had to worry about dieting again?do you think Big Diet would go belly up? You betcha!
So there's a great big lid being kept on this information by the pharmaceutical companies to the diet gurus to the giant weight loss clubs? they're holding the truth hostage for the sake of their own survival.
If you've been programmed to believe that diets, programs, pills, shakes, rigorous exercise, and self-deprivation are the only ways to lose weight, it's no wonder you're still searching for the right weight loss method.
There's a way to lose weight and keep it off forever that no one is telling you about. It's been proven to work for thousands of former overweight individuals who now enjoy having a slender, healthy body.
And this is why I've created something truly revolutionary, something that combines the power of hypnosis with a widely recognized new scientific advancement that has, virtually overnight, dramatically changed how people gain control over various aspects of their lives that they couldn't before. It's called neurolinguistic programming, or NLP.
Through this groundbreaking, ultra-powerful combination, it's like giving your unhealthy eating habits a one-two knockout punch, which will destroy your desire to overeat now and forever, without the debilitating stress that diets can bring on, and without the reliance on expensive weight loss programs, pills, shakes, pre-packaged meals, or supplements. Introducing...
Hypnosis Solutions'?
I've combined all the missing ingredients, important factors that are keeping you from getting to your ideal weight and staying there, and I've put them all together in one amazing place.
The Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program will change the way you think about your weight, your health and your overall peace of mind. Let's take a look at what you'll come away with when you order Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program:
How is all this done? How can a hypnosis program do all this? It's easy when you understand what hypnosis can do for you. Once you reach a hypnotic trance your subconscious is open to suggestion.
Then we work with your subconscious, the way you think about your weight, your eating habits and your lack of control over them, and we transform these negative patterns into thoughts of healthier habits, bringing to the surface your natural desire to eat better and in less quantity, to exercise more and to take back control.
Once this is done, you can watch the pounds drop as you start to live your life to the fullest. It's really a wonderful thing!
Because I'm an expert who has a long history of success. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work, and have been a counselor and hypnotherapist for over 18 years. I have extensive training in weight management hypnosis from the most respected experts in the field. And get this: doctors in my area even refer their patients to me because I have such a high success rate, and I'm someone they can stake their reputation on.
I am a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and the International Hypnosis Federation. I know what hypnosis is all about, I've trained and worked with the best, and now I'm ready to help you achieve your weight loss goals not just today, but for the rest of your life.
But as you know, it's all about
proof, and here it is:
"I've Lost 33 Pounds* With Valerie's Hypnosis!"
A strong recommendation from my primary doctor convinced me to try Valerie's hypnosis program. I'm so glad I did!
After just a few sessions I noticed that I loved to exercise and found myself looking forward to it. My ex-personal trainer can tell you that was not normal for me! The hypnosis allowed me to let go of my old reasons for eating and helped me listen to my appetite. I started eating much smaller portions and turning down things I craved because I simply didn't want them anymore.
Even after losing 33 pounds I have set new goals for myself and consider this a long term solution for managing my weight. With her hypnosis program I am learning to change my eating and exercise habits permanently.
My ex-personal trainer stopped me the other day and told me I looked fantastic and asked me what I was doing. Priceless!
"I lost 25 pounds in 9 weeks*!"
I wasn't sure about this whole hypnosis thing in the beginning. But now I'm a believer. With Valerie I've learned to change the way I think about and how I look at food. With a diet you don't ever do that. It makes you want the food more! I don't feel like I'm on a diet - this is a life change. Food is not that important to me now. I eat only when I'm hungry. Overall, it's pretty easy. I lost 25 pounds in 9 weeks, reaching my goal sooner than expected.
Barbie lost 12 pounds in only 7 weeks*!
I lost over 12 pounds in 7 weeks and I've kept it off for a year now. Since the hypnosis with Valerie, I no longer crave junk food and I enjoy exercise. The hypnosis works great!
Barbie Marziale Mesa, AZ *Results not typical.
Joe and Shirley VanParys
Together they lost 50 pounds*!
Joe: The hypnosis program was very easy and affordable. You can always find something healthy and tasty to eat, even if you enjoy going out to restaurants. This is truly a ?no cost? program when you figure in the money you save on food. I lost 30 pounds by my goal date. I now have healthy habits to last a lifetime.
Shirley: I think the hypnosis is the only way to go. It helps you to get rid of bad habits and create new healthy habits. For example, before I didn't like exercise, and now I enjoy going for my walks. The hypnosis made it easier than I expected. I enjoy Valerie's voice; it is very comforting and soothing. I am very happy now that I am 20 pounds lighter. *Results not typical.
Mike loses 84 pounds* with hypnosis!
I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I had tried virtually every diet program out there without lasting success over the past 40 years. I met with Valerie after receiving a recommendation from my brother who was a life-time smoker, and quit after attending one of Valerie's "Stop Smoking" sessions. I can say without hesitation that the hypnosis program with Valerie works.
To date, I have lost 84 pounds and I am confident that I will reach my goal of 110 pounds within the timeframe that Valerie and I established. Valerie's ability to provide a supportive, non-threatening environment where I feel free to openly discuss the issues and beliefs that I had regarding my weight is key to the success of this program. Valerie has helped me to work through the problems and pitfalls that led to my weight-loss failures in the past, and I know that I will now finally be successful. I truly believe that I now have the knowledge and understanding to maintain my goal weight for the rest of my life.
Christina Cave
Phoenix, AZ
"I think everyone should give it a try - It really works!"
?At first I was skeptical about hypnosis. But I decided to give Valerie's hypnosis a try. I was amazed! After just one session, I found myself wanting to eat healthy foods - like salads and fruit. I lost all desire for sweets, soda and junk food. I was even leaving food on my plate because I felt full so much faster. I couldn't believe that hypnosis could be so powerful so fast! I think everyone should give it a try - it really works!?
Fran Lost 30 Pounds* And Kept It Off!
I have lost almost 25 pounds in about 4 months. Valerie made it so easy. After just two sessions, I found myself reaching for an apple for a snack instead of candy. I think about food in a totally different way now. She is so easy to work with. I have had a couple of wonderful "side effects." My IBS has lessened and my sleep is much better also. Valerie is wonderful.
Fran McLain
Tempe, AZ *Results not typical.
Robin Diessner CRS, Broker/Owner
Intero Real Estate Services
Phoenix, AZ
"I lost 12 pounds in less than 2 months*"
Val Dawson is an excellent, professional hypnotherapist. She has been able to design a personal program for me which has allowed me to overcome my own obstacles to success. Plus she had a terrific, soothing voice! "Treatment" with her is a lot like a refreshing nap! Through Valerie's techniques I was able to fundamentally change some of my core thoughts about food and I lost 12 pounds in less than 2 months, which I've kept off. *Results not typical.
Cindy has already lost 15 pounds* with hypnosis! The hypnosis has really helped me to stop stress eating and to control my portions.
Update! Cindy has now lost 20 pounds with hypnosis! Cindy Baysdorfer
Phoenix, AZ *Results not typical.
Kay has lost 54 pounds*!
It was hard to admit that I had 70 pounds to lose. I have always been embarrassed about it; but the hypnosis with Valerie has helped me gain control over food. I don't feel deprived like I have in the past. I am much more at peace with food and my relationship with it. Valerie has been professional and non-judgmental regarding my weight loss. She was encouraging and helpful from the beginning. 54 down, 16 to go!
Kay Cummins
Phoenix, AZ *Results not typical.
"I've lost almost 40 pounds*!" I tried everything before to lose weight: pills, seeing a bariatric doctor, cutting back on portions, fasting, and many weight loss programs. You name it, I tried it. Then tried Valerie's hypnosis, and I saw results within just a couple of weeks.
I used to be an emotional eater, having uncontrollable drives to eat carbs, sugar, and chocolate. Now, with the help of Valerie's hypnosis methods, I finally have control over my eating. I have learned to eat slowly and to be satisfied with smaller portions. I no longer have those emotional drives to eat as I am now managing my feelings in positive ways.
The hypnosis has helped me to be in control of my eating habits. For example, I can have just one slice of pizza and be OK with it. I can look at a donut and have no desire for it. And I even have control over chocolate ? just a little bit satisfies me without wanting more and more!
The hypnosis made all the difference in the world. Valerie teaches you how easy it is to learn healthier eating habits for life. I've been releasing weight easily and am well on my way to my goal. I know that my new eating habits are permanent and I am confident that I will never have to battle my weight ever again. Thanks to Valerie's hypnosis methods, I now have a new lease on life.
Nancy Paul-Stahl
Scottsdale, AZ
"I've lost 50 pounds in 5 months* with Valerie's hypnosis."
Hi, my name is Kelsey and I've lost 50 pounds with Valerie Dawson's hypnosis program. I had struggled all my life with my weight problem and had tried every diet out there with no success. Before the hypnosis I constantly overate both at mealtime and in between meals.
The hypnosis has helped me to reprogram the way I think about food and to change my eating habits. Now, I eat in moderation and I feel good about making healthy choices. I have less desire for junk foods and actually enjoy healthy foods.
Before it was a struggle to get myself to exercise, and now I look forward to and enjoy exercising on a regular basis.
I'm 100% confident that I will reach my goal weight and permanently maintain my new healthy lifestyle thanks to Valerie's hypnosis. The Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program is a powerful way to take your negative thoughts and bad habits and transforming them into positive, healthy, thin-person lifestyle and mindset, all on your own terms.
Here are just a few of the ways that these life-changing hypnosis sessions will help you:
Audio #1: Quick Start Weight Loss ($150 Value)
On this audio I will coach you on how to get the most out of the Weight Loss Fast and Easy Program. You'll learn:
How to get started losing weight right away
Tips and tricks to jump start your program
Secrets of weight loss success from the masters who have done it!
Audio #2: Perfect Slender Body ($150 Value)
This hypnosis will help you to imagine yourself at your goal weight, and believe in yourself that you can do it! It will help you to:
Increase your confidence in yourself that you can become a thin person
Get excited about reaching your goal weight and wearing those "skinny clothes"
Stay focused on how much better your life will be when you achieve your perfect body
Audio #3: Stop Mindless Eating ($150 Value)
On this audio I will give you hypnotic suggestions to help you to only eat when you are hungry. This hypnosis session will give you the internal strength you need to:
Say "no" to unhealthy snacking when you are bored, tired or stressed
Easily manage those cravings without giving in
Stop ending mindless eating once and for all
Audio #4: Feel Full Faster ($150 Value)
This hypnosis session will help you to eat less without feeling deprived whatsoever. After listening to this audio, you'll find yourself:
Leaving food on your plate just because you feel like it
Feel full with smaller portion sizes
Eat less at restaurants, social events and holidays
Bonus Audio: Thin Affirmations ($150 Value)
You can listen to this audio anywhere you like ? while working, playing or driving. It will reinforce your Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program. The waking suggestions include:
Increase desire for healthy foods while decreasing desire for unhealthy foods
Stop mindless snacking and eating when you aren't really hungry
Stay motivated to keep going until you reach your goal
Bonus Audio #2: Melt Away The Pounds ($150 Value)

This bonus hypnosis session will help you to make choices that will simply melt the pounds away. Without any effort at all, your brain will be reprogrammed to:
Learn to relax more and have more fun while losing weight at the same time
Stay motivated to make healthy choices every day
Eat less fatty and sugary food and more healthy foods
Bonus Audio #3: Instant Craving Zapper ($150 Value)
This is an incredible bonus hypnosis program. I will teach you a secret method to "zap" cravings for any food you want to, so that you won't have any desire to eat them at all. You'll learn how to:
Quickly and easily delete your desire for any "problem" food
Teach your brain tips and tricks to be in control, anytime anywhere
Like snapping your fingers, you'll instantly zap any unhealthy cravings
Bonus Audio #4: Enjoy Healthy Foods ($150 Value)
This great bonus hypnosis audio will help you to learn to enjoy healthy foods. That's right; you'll find yourself actually wanting to eat healthy instead of unhealthy! It will train you mind to:
Desire fruits, vegetables and whole grains more
Find creative ways to enjoy healthier versions of the foods you love
Eliminate or decrease your desire for unhealthy foods
What's it worth to you to teach your mind a new way of thinking about yourself, where weight control, exercise and an overall healthy state of mind are normal, every day, automatic feelings for you?
And remember, all of this is free of struggle, with no pills, no confidence shattering weight gain from lost momentum, and no jumping around from diet to diet.
So let's do the math. Clients who visit me for private sessions pay $150 per hour. This means they'll pay anywhere between $800 and $2,000 to get to their ideal weight and stay there. Now don't get me wrong, this is a bargain considering what they achieve and how effective I am, and they know it.
Fortunately for you though, you don't have to pay anywhere near this to achieve the same results as my private clients. Plus, with the Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program you have the best of both worlds. You get everything you need to get thin and stay thin without having to travel to my office. All of the hypnosis and weight loss victories will be accomplished in the comfort of your own home!
If you add up the value of all 8 audio hypnosis sessions we are talking about a price tag of $1,500 if you were to purchase these items from me separately. But I have some great news, for a very limited time, I am offering the Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program for only $47!
This is a very limited time offer. After the first 100 orders I'm raising the price to $197. And judging by the popularity of this program so far, the buzz alone is causing a stir in the weight loss community. So grab this introductory rate right now, while you're thinking about it.
And remember, this program will eliminate the need for other programs now and in the future. You'll save thousands of dollars, not to mention the time and energy you'll be saving when it hits you that you'll no longer have to be in another weight loss program as long as you live.
Just imagine: being at your perfect weight... forever! What would that feel like? Would you feel a lift in your confidence, your self-esteem, your total happiness index?
Think of these future scenarios that you can't put any price tag on:
Fitting into those "skinny jeans" once again
Being able to wear that bathing suit on the beach with confidence
Attending that class reunion or office party and feeling like a million bucks
Receiving more compliments than you can handle with humility
Going shopping for new clothes in those smaller sizes that now fit you just right
Looking in the mirror and feeling really great about yourself again
Saying a final farewell to worrying about your weight!
The Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program can do this for you, but now it's your turn to take action. Let's make 2007 the year you finally lose the weight and keep it off!
Now if at this point you're thinking that there's no way this program can work for you, think again...

My Guarantee
"If you are not thoroughly convinced that my Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program is the smartest investment you have ever made in yourself, your health, and your happiness, just say so, and I'll gladly refund every penny of your purchase price.
No further explanations will be necessary on your part and I won't try to convince you to change your mind. YOU alone will be the sole judge of value. It's that simple. No questions, no hassles, no problem.
To Your Health and Happiness,
Valerie Dawson, MSW, CHt Certified Hypnotherapist
P.S. Think back for a minute, how many times have you tried to lose weight? How many times have you lost weight only to gain it back again? How much money have you wasted on useless weight loss, programs, pills, diet foods, supplements, and gimmicks? If you're still not at your goal weight right now, it means only one thing: it didn't work. This works, and not only does it work, it works in just 20 minutes a day! All that is required is that you just sit and listen! No willpower needed. You'll just naturally start making healthy choices ? eating healthy foods in the correct portions.
Click Here To Get Started Now.
P.P.S. Remember the guarantee. This is absolutely 100% risk free for you. Don't click to another webpage without giving this revolutionary method a fair try.
P.P.P.S. Thousands of people who were in the exact same position as you are right now have already discovered this easy weight loss method, and are now living happy, healthy, slender lives. Click here to join them now!
Khosrow Nafisi, M.D.
I believe hypnosis is a good modality for quitting smoking and losing weight. The patients I have referred to Valerie Dawson have had a good outcome.
Jenn Hanlon, P.A.
"Many of the patients come to me for help with their addiction to cigarettes. While I could prescribe chemical solutions to help the physical symptoms of addiction, my patients are better served by Valerie's methods of relieving the psychological cravings for cigarettes."
Robert Saide, M.D.
Valerie Dawson provides a good opportunity for people to learn a positive method to improve their health in a non-stress environment. With her methods, you'll save money, feel better, and live longer.
Alvin Goldansky, MD
Hypnotherapy is a treatment modality that can be extremely effective for patients to improve the quality of their lives and discard bad habits. Valerie Dawson has been very helpful to the patients I have sent her.

For my patients who want to stop smoking or lose weight, I recommend that they see Valerie for hypnosis. I have seen my patients have very positive results with Valerie's hypnosis programs.
Carlos Garreton, MD Family Practice Specialist
George Sibley, MD
Hypnosis is recognized by the American Medical Association as being a viable alternative method for pain management, smoking cessation, weight loss, and more. I have known Valerie professionally for six years and she is knowledgeable her field.
Constantia Abarikwu, MD
I believe hypnosis is a viable adjunct therapy to other conventional smoking cessation and weight loss treatments. I have sent my patients to Valerie's clinic for hypnosis. My patients report that they have had good success with her hypnosis methods.
John Marshall, MD
Hypnosis is an accepted and proven additional therapeutic method for breaking unhealthy habits such as smoking. I've known Valerie for several years and feel confident referring patients to her for treatment.
View the original article here