Really sorry about this but your tweenie probably wanted to know how Justin Bieber gets his hair so shiny?! His Kangen water machine has a "beauty" setting, I´m serious, it has a beauty setting designed to tone the skin but this also helps keep the hairs cuticle closed so combined with his baby baby baby Oh (seriously lol) shampoo he is going to look 13 foreva!
Remember when it was all about you? No, I donot mean when you were 3YO I mean before baby baby baby OH!... well just because you have no extra time doesn´t mean that you need neglect yourself! Here´s the old basics again on skin care and if you know someone with a good water ioniser beg them for a regular supply until you get your own, your not just touched by water, you are 70% of it!
1. Use manuka honey on blemishes — it’s safe and effective to use it nightly if you wish. After washing your face, just put it on, let it sit for 10–20 minutes, and rinse off with lukewarm water. Honey, especially manuka, is antibacterial and contains enzymes and nutrients that are helpful in repairing acne and acne scars.
2. Supplement with MSM (a.k.a. methylsulfonylmethane). It is a white, naturally occurring substance (sulfur) that has been used to treat skin conditions like acne and eczema. Take it in capsule form, or add 1 tsp. of the powdered variety to juice twice per day (it tastes terrible, definitely put it in juice).
3. Use natural hair products that do not contain hydrogenated oils, parabens, dimethicone, or other substances that can trigger acne. You hair inevitably gets on your face during the day and while you sleep, so act like the products you’re putting on your hair are products you put on your face. If you need help looking for natural hair care products, feel free to read my post on my 10 favorite natural brands of 2009.
4. Andi (my girlfriend) says, "Clean your pillowcase regularly. Get 4 silk pillowcases from Luxury 100% Silk Pillowcase for Hair & Facial Beauty Queen / Standard
5. Eat foods that are rich in zinc and copper. Both are essential for healing skin, acne scars, and keeping you blemish-free. These foods include spinach, beef and venison (deer), summer squash, unsulphured blackstrap molasses, asparagus, broccoli, swiss chard, kale, and collard greens. (Just make sure it’s organic, and in the case of meat, organic and grass-fed.)
6. Use natural makeup, and wash it off every night. Your skin will take much longer to get better if you keep using drugstore or department store makeup loaded with chemicals, preservatives, and pore-clogging ingredients. Opt for mineral-based makeup, such as Alima or Vapour (there are many other awesome natural makeup brands!) that will actually nourish your skin and sit on the surface, not cause blackheads and blemishes. When you remove your makeup at night, dip a cotton pad or ball into olive oil or coconut oil, and swipe over your face to remove. Then continue with your normal skin care regimen. (Years working in the beauty i.e hair industry I was bound to learn a thing or two)
7. Take it easy. Stress is a very common acne trigger, so make time for yourself when you need it, try some relaxing yoga classes or DVDs, walk or otherwise exercise daily (I un reservedly reccommend searching out your nearest vipassana retreat next time you can, go learn how to meditate at their free 10 day courses available globally), listen to relaxing music, get quality sleep (stick a quality pillow inside your silk case!) and just breathe deeply. You can even get some herbal assistance from Valerian Root (check with your physician if needed), which calms the nerves (use only at night and when you’re not planning on driving). Eating well will also make stress less harmful on your organs, since they won’t be working as hard as they normally would if you’re eating junk, not exercising, and stressing out at the same time.
8. Drink lots of water! I mentioned this in my other posts, but it’s worth saying again: drink Kangen Water! No soda, no coffee, no Starbucks or slurpees. Herbal teas are just fine (my favorite is loose bulk tea or iced tea made with Kangen Water. Good old fashioned tap water will keep your cells hydrated, but if you want truly fresh, dewy, plump skin you best try Kangen water. You can even eliminate blackheads by drinking enough Kangen Water. Just remember to use a good water filter. I always recommend , the Kangen Water machine because as I said it even has its own beauty setting!!!! (children’s hospitals and the military use their units) so it gets out all the chlorine and pollutants in our water, and restructures the water molecules making it a super antioxidant (they kill those `free radicals´that age you). At the very least, make sure your drinking water and shower water are filtered somehow (bottled isn't necessarily better, but its better than nothing) . The power of water! Oil, they say is thicker than water. But water is the plainest, most natural substance we can use for acne skin care. In washing your face, do it gently. Rubbing and scrubbing your face does not clean the skin gently. For best acne skin care effects, using a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning, noon and evening, and after doing a heavy work out, will help you achieve a clear skin.
9. Don’t touch or pick at your skin. I see this so often — it’s no wonder that I see someone get a blemish in the same spot where they were fondling their face earlier. If you have an itch, use the back of your hand or a clean shirt sleeve.
10. Clean your phone regularly, especially if you have a habit of resting your phone against your cheek. Dip a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and wipe down your phone about once per week
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