Welcome to babybabybabyoh Blog- for mustard coloured mirth

Sunday, December 26, 2010

baby baby baby oh!

Welcome to baby baby baby oh! blog. I hope you feel at home here, relax and think pink (or blue!) I have a full hamper free of the mustard mirth, you love to pass on to your spouse! Tips swipes and baby wipes....Enagic Kangen Water Leveluk SD501 Water Ionizer Machinebaby baby baby Oh and if you care about having more health and your baby information on the dangers of your water have a look at www.tomaragua.net and sign in for a free report...Good Waves for you!

Really sorry about this but your tweenie probably wanted to know how Justin Bieber gets his hair so shiny?! His Kangen water machine has a "beauty" setting, I´m serious, it has a beauty setting designed to tone the skin but this also helps keep the hairs cuticle closed so combined with his baby baby baby Oh (seriously lol) shampoo he is going to look 13 foreva! 

Remember when it was all about you? No, I donot mean when you were 3YO I mean before baby baby baby OH!... well just because you have no extra time doesn´t mean that you need neglect yourself! Here´s the old basics again on skin care and if you know someone with a good water ioniser beg them for a regular supply until you get your own, your not just touched by water, you are 70% of it!

1. Use manuka honey on blem­ishes — it’s safe and effec­tive to use it nightly if you wish. After wash­ing your face, just put it on, let it sit for 10–20 min­utes, and rinse off with luke­warm water. Honey, espe­cially manuka, is antibac­te­r­ial and con­tains enzymes and nutri­ents that are help­ful in repair­ing acne and acne scars.
2. Sup­ple­ment with MSM (a.k.a. methyl­sul­fonyl­methane). It is a white, nat­u­rally occur­ring sub­stance (sul­fur) that has been used to treat skin con­di­tions like acne and eczema. Take it in cap­sule form, or add 1 tsp. of the pow­dered vari­ety to juice twice per day (it tastes ter­ri­ble, def­i­nitely put it in juice).
3. Use nat­ural hair prod­ucts that do not con­tain hydro­genated oils, parabens, dime­thicone, or other sub­stances that can trig­ger acne. You hair inevitably gets on your face dur­ing the day and while you sleep, so act like the prod­ucts you’re putting on your hair are prod­ucts you put on your face. If you need help look­ing for nat­ural hair care prod­ucts, feel free to read my post on my 10 favorite nat­ural brands of 2009.
4. Andi (my girlfriend) says, "Clean your pil­low­case reg­u­larly. Get 4 silk pil­low­cases from Luxury 100% Silk Pillowcase for Hair & Facial Beauty Queen / Standard and rotate them. About once per week I replace my pil­low­case with a fresh one, and wash all 4 together when they’ve all been used. This keeps bac­te­ria and oil that rub off from your skin and hair from stay­ing too long on the pil­low and poten­tially cre­at­ing skin prob­lems. I’ve been using silk pil­low­cases for over 7 years and I would never go back…oooh I love them!
5. Eat foods that are rich in zinc and cop­per. Both are essen­tial for heal­ing skin, acne scars, and keep­ing you blemish-free. These foods include spinach, beef and veni­son (deer), sum­mer squash, unsul­phured black­strap molasses, aspara­gus, broc­coli, swiss chard, kale, and col­lard greens. (Just make sure it’s organic, and in the case of meat, organic and grass-fed.)
6. Use nat­ural makeup, and wash it off every night. Your skin will take much longer to get bet­ter if you keep using drug­store or depart­ment store makeup loaded with chem­i­cals, preser­v­a­tives, and pore-clogging ingre­di­ents. Opt for mineral-based makeup, such as Alima or Vapour (there are many other awe­some nat­ural makeup brands!) that will actu­ally nour­ish your skin and sit on the sur­face, not cause black­heads and blem­ishes. When you remove your makeup at night, dip a cot­ton pad or ball into olive oil or coconut oil, and swipe over your face to remove. Then con­tinue with your nor­mal skin care regimen. (Years working in the beauty i.e hair industry I was bound to learn a thing or two)
7. Take it easy. Stress is a very com­mon acne trig­ger, so make time for your­self when you need it, try some relax­ing yoga classes or DVDs, walk or oth­er­wise exer­cise daily (I un reservedly reccommend searching out your nearest vipassana retreat www.dhamma.org next time you can, go learn how to meditate at their free 10 day courses available globally), lis­ten to relax­ing music, get qual­ity sleep (stick a quality pillow inside your silk case!) and just breathe deeply. You can even get some herbal assis­tance from Valer­ian Root (check with your physi­cian if needed), which calms the nerves (use only at night and when you’re not plan­ning on dri­ving). Eat­ing well will also make stress less harm­ful on your organs, since they won’t be work­ing as hard as they nor­mally would if you’re eat­ing junk, not exer­cis­ing, and stress­ing out at the same time.
8. Drink lots of water! I men­tioned this in my other posts, but it’s worth say­ing again: drink Kangen Water! No soda, no cof­fee, no Star­bucks or slurpees. Herbal teas are just fine (my favorite is loose bulk tea or iced tea made with Kangen Water. Good old fash­ioned tap water will keep your cells hydrated, but if you want truly fresh, dewy, plump skin you best try Kangen water. You can even elim­i­nate black­heads by drink­ing enough Kangen Water. Just remem­ber to use a good water fil­ter. I always rec­om­mend , the Kangen Water machine because as I said it even has its own beauty setting!!!! (children’s hos­pi­tals and the mil­i­tary use their units) so it gets out all the chlo­rine and pol­lu­tants in our water, and restructures the water molecules making it a super antioxidant (they kill those `free radicals´that age you). At the very least, make sure your drink­ing water and shower water are filtered somehow (bottled isn't necessarily better, but its better than nothing) . The power of water! Oil, they say is thicker than water. But water is the plainest, most natural substance we can use for acne skin care. In washing your face, do it gently. Rubbing and scrubbing your face does not clean the skin gently. For best acne skin care effects, using a mild cleanser or toner once in the morning, noon and evening, and after doing a heavy work out, will help you achieve a clear skin.
9. Don’t touch or pick at your skin. I see this so often — it’s no won­der that I see some­one get a blem­ish in the same spot where they were fondling their face ear­lier. If you have an itch, use the back of your hand or a clean shirt sleeve.
10. Clean your phone reg­u­larly, espe­cially if you have a habit of rest­ing your phone against your cheek. Dip a cot­ton ball in rub­bing alco­hol and wipe down your phone about once per week

Hope this helps, back with more soon

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